Hey everybody.
I don't know if this blog will ever be looked at by more than the people I tell about it, but here's to hope and all that it inspires! : D
So, most recently we've seen The Polar Express. I know we are about a year late on this one, but you can blame that on us not having kids. It was actually quite good! I was surprised, I must say. I will be adding this to my armada of Xmas movies with which I torture Henry. Hey, a girl's gotta have a goal. Mine is making Henry suffer through as many cheery holiday flicks as I can cram in before the big day. I only have the advent window of time so it is important to choose wisely! I'm not up to Spanish Armada numbers, but I'm getting there. Some will not be viewed by him, I'm sure, but in the list are the following: How the Grinch Stole Christmas, The Nightmare Before Christmas (this one is usually viewed closer to Halloween but we missed it this year - too busy), A Christmas Story, It's a Wonderful Life, The Nutcracker, Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting... & now The Polar Express! Yeah! One that I'd like to find from 15 years ago is The Hard Nut - a contemporary telling of The Nutcracker. Anybody seen it?
We'll back track if we can, but otherwise I'll keep a thumbs up, thumbs down record of the movies we watch from here on out. So, keep an eye on us!