Terrifyingly awesome.
That was the entirety of my review of this movie for about a week after watching it. Javier Bardem is still haunting my dreams and not in the cute Canary Islander way that he could be. He is quietly, methodically, yet also indelibly, terrifying in this movie as the character Anton Chigurh and I'm thankful that I'll never have to cross paths with that man or his freaky hair or the incessant coin tossing.
One of the aspects that I loved about this movie was the ending, or lack of one. Many people want there to be a pretty ribbon tied up around the stories of life and that just isn't how things play out. I like when art imitates life in this way and doesn't give us the ending we are expecting. I am a fan of this ending (and won't go into detail to avoid being a spoiler) but know that many people probably aren't as pleased. Those people probably also don't like thinking too much as a general rule in life, but I guess I'm being too hard on the general population. Ahhh... I digress... I also love the work of the Davids - Lynch and Cronenberg - and neither of them likes a pretty bow ending either, so maybe it just comes down to one's personal taste for the macabre, for which I have many taste buds in my being.
If you are going to see this movie you probably have a taste for violence on some level, since they don't shy away from it in the trailers and teasers. Overall, I thought it was quite good and so did Henry, as well as our movie-going friends, including my brother, Davis. Three thumbs up! I will say that I'm surprised by the number of Academy Award nominations it has received (tied for the most this year, that'd be 8, with There Will Be Blood). I am pretty sure Javier Bardam will win for Best Supporting Actor, but I'm not sure how it will fare in the other categories (Best Picture, Cinematography, Directing, Editing, Sound, Sound Editing, and Adapted Screenplay). We'll find out tomorrow night and I will update you then! Enjoy the Oscars!