Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Grinch on TV - in November!!

I know it is time to start thinking about the holidays - hey, I was working on our Christmas cards on Sunday when this happened, but still...
I was putting addresses together and filling out some of the postcards we are sending out this year and had the fire on and some music. I was actually considering putting on some Christmas music just to set the mood for my project, but hadn't gotten up to do so yet, when Henry came in the room and said he needed to show me something. He turned on the television and what should be on (on November 16th) but How the Grinch Stole Christmas! I love this movie and (much to Henry' surprise) know almost every word, but it seems more than a little bit crazy to have this on before December, much less before Thanksgiving! Crazy, crazy. I'm also sure that retailers are not too keen on the message of this movie in this economic crisis. The message that Christmas is about more than buttons and boozangs but rather about love and friends instead of stuff.
Maybe next year they can wait until after Thanksgiving to show it - at the very least!!

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