Monday, March 10, 2008

Playing Catch-up Since The Oscars

Such excitement on Oscar night! I did not win our friendly little bet here at home but I did get an amazing number of answers correct. Guess I'm a good guesser!

I've actually watched quite a few movies since then but haven't gotten around to writing the blogs for them. I'll try to get back on the ball and write reviews for them over the next few weeks, but thought I could at least list them for posterity or general curiosity. On 2/23, we watched Transformers again (saw it in the theater), Michael Clayton sometime that week, American Gangster 2/28, Outfoxed 3/1, G.I. Jane 3/2, Across the Universe 3/7. I feel like there were some others in there, too, but can't think of any more at the moment. Henry has now gotten me hooked on Dexter and I will be watching way too much of that for the next month or so.

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