Daniel Craig = yum.
To prepare for the viewing of Quantum of Solace, Henry and I decided to watch Casino Royale again before heading to the 10pm show. We went over to a friend's house and had some PizzaPizza while we watched what is the definitely the best James Bond movie ever made. I love it. I have never been very into the James Bond movies - if they are on the t.v. I can take it or leave it. I don't feel compelled to watch. However that all changed with the casting of Daniel Craig. Man oh man. I could watch him just look at things for hours (as long as it was his face we were looking at during that time) and then he speaks and the accent slays me. Then he takes his shirt off or goes swimming or puts on a well made suit and I'm done for...
Aside from the eye candy (which I suppose isn't why most guys watch the movies) the story is a great one. At the start of it, he isn't yet "double O" status and has to complete his kill to gain that rank. So he's just a baby Bond! We see his crazy misadventures and his constant entanglement with women. The most stressful part is the torture scene but they even make that happen in such a way to make it less painful for the viewer. Overall we are seeing the moulding of a character that we all grew up with and it is quite intruiging to see how that develops and the role of M (Judi Dench) as a maternal figure. One of the things I like about the new Bond films is that there aren't quite as many rediculous names or characters. The actors are stunningly beautiful but they are more believable than the Pussy Galores and Goldfingers of the past. Le Chiffre was the most outrageous of the characters in this film and still you buy it with no problem - the name and the tears of blood. Anyway, on to the new one!
Quantum of Solace actually isn't as yummy as the first movie - on many levels. I did enjoy this movie very much and highly recommend seeing it on the big screen. However, it didn't have quite the same feel as the first one, Casino Royale, and it didn't have nearly as much shirtless Bond (always a sad thing to miss). It was a good movie and an engaging story and moved at a pace unrivaled even by the others in the 007 series. What was most strange to me was that it was not a stand alone story but rather an immediate sequal to the first film. This approach is a departure for the Bond series, out of which you can pick any movie and not feel like you need to watch twenty others to know what is going on. I'm a fan of sequels, so this didn't bother me per se, but it was an obvious difference. Another difference was the missing line of, "Bond, James Bond" but I will agree it wasn't really needed in this one. Kudos to the director for doing his own thing and leaving that line out. I will be watching this on again - perhaps when it goes to The Dragonfly Theatre in town - but will always find Casino Royale to be a superior movie. Cheers!
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